lace bull skull - tattoo designs

A good friend of mine asked me a (long, long) while ago if I could help her with her new tattoo design. And after quite some time of reminders, I finally managed to make the illustrations. And even after more time, finally got to write about here. It's not out of laziness but more about the amount of projects I take on at a time. Over-achieving is one of my many good-bad features.

Lace Bull Skull tattoo design - marker & liner on paper 21x29,7 cm

She wanted something that could represent her entirely, something to show her feminine side but also her tough and strong personality. So she asked if I could design a bull skull made out of lace, because the skull-lace combination would be the perfect picture of what she truly envisioned. You can check out the entire story of her tattoo on her blog.

In the end, she went with the second design, the one with bone horns, since it bared more of that contrast between hard and soft textures. Here are a few pictures she posted on her blog with the tattoo.


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