papercut collection

I announced this collection a while back and I said it was a mini collection made out of unconventional materials so don't give me a disappointing feedback (just joking).
Ok, so this was a project for my fashion course in my first semester of MA. The whole theme was based on the deconstruction of shapes. And this collection would be like a "sketch" for the second one which will be made from fabrics. Even so, these pieces were not made randomly, behind every design there is a specific technique of manipulating a certain material, in this case, paper (excepting the last piece which was made from fabric). To make it more diverse, I chose different types of paper (black textured paper, grey textured paper, natural brown paper, natural beige paper, plain white paper and white textured paper). Above each set of photos I wrote the technique for the paper manipulation.

Photographer: Ina Muntean
Model, mua & hair: me
Design and clothing: me

In the end it was a very successful project, it has been featured in a collective exhibition at the Mansarda Gallery from the Fine Arts and Design Faculty in Timisoara and presented in a fashion show in the Unirii Square in Timisoara. Recently I found out that my first piece (with the cut paper) will be featured in my faculty's catalogue and received a Daily Deviation on DeviantART, so I'm very thankful that it was appreciated on that level.


  1. OMG!! Gorgeous!

  2. foarte tare :X bafta in continuare

    sincer sper sa se faca si pe la noi asa ceva, cu toate k ma indoiesc :P

  3. Multumesc foarte frumos! :)
    Sper si eu sa se miste tot mai mult lucrurile in tara asta :)

  4. O sa se miste pt tine cu siguranta! Esti prea buna sa treci neobservata! Nu m-am putut abtine si ti-am lasat comment si pe facebook :))

  5. Multumesc mult de tot! :*

  6. Multumesc! Ma bucur :D :*

  7. foarte frumos, in special prima piesa. chiar ai folosit hartia la alt nivel, mult diferit de ce am mai vazut pana acum. Felicitari!

  8. Multumesc foarte mult! ^_____^

  9. De obicei cand se lucreaza cu materiale neconventionale e greu sa fie transformate in altceva, dar cred ca tu ai reusit sa faci asta. Hartia chiar nu mai arata a hartie, e ceva ce-as putea vedea intr-o revista high-fashion. Felicitari.

  10. Multumesc foarte frumos! :D

  11. mare pacat ca nu esti din Bucuresti :) frumoasa colectie

  12. :) Sper sa am sanse sa ajung mai des pe acolo. Ca am cam lipsit in ultimii 2-3 ani...



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