fashion evolution - second act

And so, with 2004 came high school, and this was the period where I started to learn and grow in fashion illustration. The major differences where in the way I drew my figures, because I was learning about human anatomy and taking croquis classes in school.

During the 10th grade (2004-2005) I experimented with fashion and painting, creating really heavy backgrounds, turning the sketches into fashion compositions. I later discovered it helped me with my shaping and my decorative style.

My last two years in high school were the ones in which I developed my obsession for details. The medium I used was always watercolor (and I'm still faithful to it) but I was combining it with pastel chalks, colored crayons, B pencils, markers, pens etc. In fashion classes I was studying the fashion history so each composition was based on a different era or country.

My last year in high school meant almost only my degree diploma. My theme was based around the sixties. I had to design a mini dress made out of paper and decorated in painting with elements from the sixties. It was an eclectic dress, I was spinning around cowboys but in the end there were all sort of elements in the dress design. I also had to make some 3D shapes come out of the dress so I made a cardboard hat on the lower part of the dress, positioned on her hip and making it look like it was sitting on top of a cowboy's head. I also had to design the hat which had to be a bit futuristic and also made out of paper. My main color theme was the yellow-purple contrast. I also used the zipper because it first appeared on the public market in the sixties. Also used the Campbell's tomato soup, Coca-Cola, and different other brands, lots of smileys, peace signs, stars and so on.

After this, I got into college. I was so proud to be a fashion college student but of course I had my hopes really high and got a bit disappointed over the years. I thought I was going to learn more about fashion, and I did, the more technical part of it, but the creativity was getting lost on the way. And so my sketches became more and more simple, technical and colorless. Instead of working hours and days on one big piece I had to make hundreds and fast. Quantity was never my friend. And still somehow I managed to finish them in time.

As time passed, I grew as a person (and I hope as an artist) and learned how to combine the technical sketches with my old detailed fashion compositions and so developed my own style. I understand now that I have to know both technical and creative parts of the fashion illustration for better materialization. And so, now when I'm drawing a fashion sketch I have in mind how it can look good on paper but also in fabric.

Today I'm in my 3rd and final year of college and I'm preparing for my university degree where I have to create a collection of 12 pieces (designed and sewed) for the following season. The theme was my choice, and all I can say for now is that it will be very colorful. On July the fashion show will take place, so everyone is invited.
After all this ends, I think I'll get my masters degree. And then, I hope I'll still continue doing this, as a job, as my passion, as something big and new. Wish me luck! I'll get back to work...


  1. good luck with all of that :)

  2. Thank you so very much! :D

  3. iti trimit la pachet o portie? :)

  4. plase, hold the clouds, more sugar :))

  5. It's wonderful to get to see and read about your development.
    I wish you the best of luck :)

  6. Thank you so very much! :D
    I'm glad to see that my writing is worth it...

  7. Iti doresc mult succes in urmatoarele proiecte, sunt sigura ca or sa fie la fel de bune ca cele de pana acum :D si sunt sigura ca in viitor numele tau va fi celebru.

    Vroiam sa te intreb, tu ce parere ai de imaginea modelelor extrem de slabe, asa cum apare pe podium, in reviste, si in ilustratiile de moda in general, asa "lunga si slaba"? In ziua de azi pare inevitabil ca orice fata sa vrea sa arate asa... Sau aproape asa. Care e opinia ta? :)

  8. In primul rand, multumesc mult de tot pentru aprecieri!

    Ce pot spune, e ca exact zilele trecute, "google-uisem" cuvantul "anorexic" si m-a socat ce am vazut. Numeroase poze erau din industria modei. Stiu ca a fost un mare scandal pe tema asta la un moment dat, dar cum lumea modei se schimba mereu, nu stiu cate masuri se pot lua. Spre exemplu, acum, e la moda sa fii "eco", prin urmare mai marii designeri au renuntat la modelele foarte inalte si slabe si cauta fete cat mai "reale" si mai "naturale, adica inaltimea dorita e in jur de 1,75. Nu se mai cauta exagerari.

    Nu pot gandi pentru altii, insa eu personal nu am idei de genul, pentru speratul meu viitor in moda, si cu atat mai putin pentru propria-mi persoana.

  9. Hi! My name is Kristina and I'm from Croatia. I was watching your work on deviant and I can tell that I like your style. It always gave me a bit of inspiration. I attent a collage of textile technology(in Croatia), course-textile and fashion design, but I'm on a 1. year so it's a little difficult cause we still don't know what exactly professor and assistent like. Looking at your paintings, designs..I wanted to ask you what was like your 1. year on college, what did your proffesors like (I mean style, designs)? I'm currently in stage when I think that my work isn't good enough, and there's so much competition, so I wanted to ask for some advice,suggestion.
    And I also want you good luck with all of your ideas.
    (apologize if there's any mistekes in grammar-my english isn't so good) :D

  10. Thank you so very much! I'm glad you find my works inspiring.

    As for your concern, I can't really say what your professors like, because I think they all have different opinions.
    Mine for example likes everything that can be sold :)) And personaly, I don't really look at fashion from that point of view.

    All I can say is that you should find your own way but add some bits and pieces from what your professors tell you to do. Try to find that "new", work hard to achieve it, because if you don't then someone else will do it in your place. And you loose.

    Make your sketches presentable but also be creative and innovative in your designs.

    I hope this can help you. :)
    Thanks again for every word! :)

  11. :)Thank you for your advice! I'll keep trying to do my best, and try to be half successful like you. I wanted to made my site on deviant, but one day when I do that I'll let you know to hear you opinion (hope it'll be positive :P) I want you good luck with all of your designs and hope you'll write about it. I'll be droping by to see what's new
    Bye :)

  12. Thank you so much! ^_______^

    I will write about everything now, related to my art and other's. I will write tutorials on drawing skills and techniques. So keep an eye on here :P

    Wish you all the best!

  13. Sper sa ne spui cand si unde! Vreau sa vin, sa vad! :) Multa multa bafta!

  14. Licenta?

    Filarmonica Banatul, 7-8 iulie 2009 ora nu e stabilita inca dar am sa postez sigur pe blog toate informatiile atunci cand se apropie evenimentul :)

  15. ok:) Perfect! I'll be there! Mult succes!
    La Cluji mergi? La festivalul studentesc de moda? Sau inca nu v-a spus nimeni nimik?:))

  16. Nu ne-a spus nimeni nimic. :(
    of, mereu patim asa, copiii nimanui :P

    S-ar putea sa se schimbe putin datele prezentarii, s-a facut ceva cerere, daca se aproba, am sa postez.

    Am emotii...

  17. O sa fie mega fun! Trust me! Cat despre faza cu copii nimanui...i know the feeling :))
    Tu trebuie sa-ti vezi de treaba ta si totul o sa fie bine:)

  18. I sure hope so, sper sa termin la timp.

    Multumesc mult de tot pentru incurajari! :) >:D<

  19. foarte tari desenele, felicitari

  20. Multumesc foarte frumos! :)


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