spacegirls calendar

In true Dushky fashion, I'm coming to you in 2020 with my 2019 calendar. Get it? 'Cause I'm that slow.

But in all seriousness, I didn't make an official calendar in print, I just got a cool blank one last year for Christmas and decided to draw a new space-girl every month on it. If you're following me on Instagram (*wink wink*) you've probably already seen all of these on my stories. I'll post them on my feed too. Drawing these was probably the only thing I drew for myself last year (oh, except a few practise ones on my tablet). So maybe that should be my resolution for this year. And oh yeah, let me know what you think about the calendar and how it turned out, and maybe, just maybe, I'll make a series for the year to come. Because I totally missed to mark for this one.

Oh, and let me know, which month is your favourite one? In general but illustration-wise as well.



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