imperial juice - bereta vs ground zero beer label illustration

This is not a new illustration by any means, it's been months since this project was launched, I don't even think you can find the beer on the shelves any more, but hey, it's good I'm keeping my portfolio updated. I mean my blog, please don't give me talk about my Behance portfolio. I'm getting to it... anyday now.

So anyhow, this was a label I've created for the good beer(ded) fellows over at Bereta in their collab with Ground Zero, another local craft beer company. They've combined their magical potions recipies from their best beers and brewed this super-giant, super-tasy beer. And I've listened to all their ideas and crafted the label for it, a label that probably took the most hours to make. But it looked cool, so there you go.

Imperial Juice - beer label illustration - pen on paper | 21x29,7 cm

illustration by Dushky
coluring and design by Sorin Bechira



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