thoughts and cat doodles
It's getting kind of late and I thought I'd do an update post, since those come rarely. I hope you appreciate it.
Lately I was browsing through my "ready to post" folder and realised that I was running low on edited artwork for the blog, so I looked at my calendar and finally admitted to myself that the year is coming to a close, so I'd better edit all those illustrations I've made this summer and since. But don't worry, I'll probably post them next June, you know me. Anyway, I'm just glad I made time to edit them and now they are ready to go... eventually.
And in other news, I've been working hard on new project, learning cool new things, especially in the editing department, I'm so stoked and can't wait to share them all. I've been trying to put together my Behance portfolio as well, so if you're there give me a feedback. Be gentle, I'm new to this.
And since I don't want to leave this post art-free, here's a couple of doodles I've found laying around, that I've made... probably, most definitely, years ago.
Honestly, I'm a really organised person, I don't know why I can't be up-to-date with my posting. Probably because it's always good to have some back-up.
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