deconstructed kitsune - tattoo design

 It's been a while, but here's a new, fun project I've enjoyed working on lately: a kitsune fox tattoo design. I haven't made tattoo designs in a while now, but I have made one of a kitsune in the past, I'll link it here. It's interesting to see how different these two designs look, one being traditional and one digital, and of course, being many years apart, the style of illustration is quite different as well. There's some evolution there, no doubt about it. But anyway, let's talk about today's piece... alongside the kitsune, the client also wanted a key and some cherry flowers and I think we incorporated those elements pretty well. Style-wise we went with my classic touch of graphic meets geometric, with a hint of cartoons. And for colours, we tried a bunch of options until we went with a very colourful watercolour and grain texture, which I really love. But I didn't mind the golden option either so I'll add that one to the books as well.



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