the time of the year
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, but it will definitely be a different kind of Christmas this year. I just hope I can spend it with family. And hopefully, though I'm being sceptic about this, the new year will be different. All I know is that this too shall pass, someday. While we wait for better days, let's get cosy inside, be thankful for our health, so grab your fluffy blanket, a hot tea and watch a movie or two. Or get those projects done, stop lazying around. Meanwhile, here's a post for when you take a break from whatever you're doing. A post about two portraits, a tale of two families, who actually know each other, and a story about winter holidays. My favourite kind.
The Snowy Skyline - custom portrait
— watercolour on paper —
The Christmas Street - custom portrait
— watercolour on paper —

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