diy christmas ornaments

First off, Happy New Year! It's a fresh start for something even greater I hope, with much more artwork, new projects and challenges that I can't wait to dive into. One thing's changed for sure, I can add "aunt" to my job description. And just like every year, I'll start by showing and telling all about the work that I've done for that past holiday season. Continuing with my DIY project, I'll show you just how fun recycling can be.

I've talked about how I reused my left-over felt from my collection and turned into some pretty home ornaments but I've also recycled some of my crafting materials as well. I've seen these clear-glass globes each holiday season in my local supply store, but I've never quite figured out or imagined what I could fill them with, so I've bought a couple thinking inspiration will hit me in the face one day.

And since this holiday season was all about recycling, I thought I could use all those little bits and pieces left-over from my felt necklaces and stuff them into the globes, in an orderly, colour-coordinated manner, of course. Then I started stuffing them with all sort of things: left-over thread from sewing all those Christmas hand-made orders I received, string from my shipping packages and some little coloured felt balls I've had laying around. I would have made so many more colour-combinations, but, like any of Murphy's laws, just when I had this stroke of genius, I ran out of globes and so did the supply store when I went back to get more. Well, there's always next year, I'll be prepared.



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