small tattoo designs
If you've had the chance or curiosity to read some of my previous blog posts related to tattoo designs (first of all, "Hi, who are you? Are you real? Why are you here? Are you really reading this? Why? I'm kidding. But curious nonetheless"...) you've probably heard *read* me saying how much pickier I am as of lately, with choosing which ones to draw in the first place. It's not because I think so highly of myself, far from it, but because I want to filter all the incoming requests and make sure I work on projects that really speak to me and especially that I work with people that appreciate my style of illustration. I think there are so many artists out there, each one with its own unique style, one does not have to know how to draw realistic and abstract, for example, at the same time. And it's easier to get to them than ever. You'd be surprised how many people write to me for a custom design just because I know how to draw, not knowing my work or checking out my portfolio first. But I don't blame them for this, I understand, really. It's just that because of this, they have different expectations than what I will eventually deliver and so the overall process afterwards can get frustrating on both sides. I'm talking from experience here. So I will just make sure that we are on the same page from the get-go.
So with that being said, and complained about, here's what today's post is all about. It's about some of these custom designs that I've made recently (and not so recently), some smaller projects than the ones I usually post, but some that I thought were worth a mention. I have a few current series of styles that I like to draw in, the LinearArt series, the DeconstructedArt series and the WatercolourArt series. I've made labels for each of them and also special hashtags for them on my Instagram. So yeah, I've been busy. Organising things is my thing. Even though no one will probably use these tools except me, it's easier for me to link them this way anyway. So, it's more of a helpline for me and a shortcut for you. Win-win.

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