elf owl - beer label design

 Every time I have to draw a new label for Owl Beer, I get to try new things. I have a new owl each time for reference, but I also like to shake things up a bit and try different illustration styles, just to experiment and to have fun. And the Owl guys let me get away with it each time. What more could I ask for? 

For this label, I went all out and tried a new brush on my tablet *insert shocked emoji*. I always liked those children's books' illustration styles, and so I wanted to give it a try, so I used some chalk and crayon brushes. The beer was called Elf so it seemed fitting. I thought of leprechauns and pixies, fireflies and magical, mystical forests. Now that I look at it, I think I could have gone all out with the background, but, in my defence, when I did this, I was still at the beginning of my digital journey (well, probably not the beginning, I keep saying that for years, I think it was the middle... yeah, let's say the middle of the journey, the point is... I was still in a learning process, I still think I'm there though). I don't know if the message came across, you tell me. 



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