diy halloween decorations
Boohoohoo y'all!
It's hard for me to post in time for any holiday but I'll give myself a tap on the back for this one. Nailed it. Thank the few months of having barely no projects (insert tear smiley face emoji here). Not the best scenario but luckily I found a way not to sit around and be depressed, but actually be a bit proactive and do some projects for myself that I've had on standby for a very long time (ok, fine, I'll admit I was a bit depressed too).
So I wanted to have something for each season to hang on my front door, not just for the winter holidays, and I started with the one holiday that was just around the corner, the spooky Halloween. Traditionally, we don't celebrate Halloween in my country, maybe the Day-of-the-Dead on the 1st of November, but that's more of a religious holiday. But, over the years, as more and more parties popped up, Halloween-themed ones, more and more people started to embrace the day. I, for one, am very excited about October every year (as of late, this wasn't always the case). I'm actually excited about the beginning of every season, it's become like an event in my head (like I'm happy about October because of the fall arriving and landscape changing and Halloween of course, then it's December for the obvious Christmas festivities, March for spring, longer days and Easter and then June for summer, for my birthday and the summer holidays).
But enough about my stories, we were talking about crafts here. A bit of a backstory about this: if some of you don't know or remember, I used to do crafts back in the day, I had an online shop with various accessories and jewelry, all made out of felt. So I had all this leftover felt from over 5 years ago, ever since I stopped doing handmade and returned to my old love: illustration. And so I wanted to use it somehow so I could free up space in my atelier. And that's how this idea came to be. Not to mention, all my friends are getting some kind of felt decoration for Christmas this year (I'm writing this to see how many of them actually read this, so Spoiler Alert, act surprised!).

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