deconstructed forest creatures - the owl
You know, when you think of highlighter markers and gel pens, you'd probably think you can use these for journaling and bookkeeping, right? I know that's why I have them in my office. But, I guess, it takes one look at a set of pastel highlighters and you get ideas. Creative thoughts only. That's what got me started on this little mini-series. I wanted to see what I could do. Of course, I imagined it completely different in my head, just add layers and it will look great. We have a saying here in Romania "socoteala de-acas[ nu se potrivește cu cea din târg" which basically means that plans don't really go as planned (not a literal translation by the way). But you gotta have faith. I'm stubborn in that sense. I will try to fix an art piece until there's no return. There was actually nothing to fix here, thank goodness, I just needed patience (and I have loads of that). In the end, the Forest Creatures turned out more than fine. The third one from the series is The Owl.
And the video behind the paper will be up soon.
In the meantime, you can check out The Fox & The Bear too.

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